We realise our phone line can get very busy and it can be difficult to get through to us at times. It has been made worse by the fact we have to do a lot of more over the phone to minimise contact in the practice and the front door has to be locked. We are grateful for your patience. If you are struggling to get through to us, do keep trying. We are only human!

A few suggestions:

Avoid lunchtime (1pm-2pm)

Avoid peak times – 9am-10am, Monday mornings, Friday mornings and immediately following bank holiday weekends.

Can you find your answer from our website at www.raynerdental.co.uk?

We are not quite ready to receive calls for routine check-ups for everybody yet but we are getting there! Many of those who had their appointments cancelled have now been rebooked. There are just a few more to go so bear with us.

Thank you for your patience.

Rayner Dental Practice