Dental Health
Good oral health can have many wonderful, life-changing benefits. From greater self-confidence to better luck in careers and relationships, a healthy smile can truly transform your visual appearance, the positivity of your mind-set, as well as improving the health of not only your mouth but your body too. At Rayner dental practice, we believe everybody deserves a healthy smile and we are determined to help and support everybody to achieve just that. For more information regarding specific problems that we may talk about during your visit, please visit the British Dental Health Foundation A to Z guide here.
We have picked out the 9 most commonly asked about topics:
Bad Breath
How can I tell if I have bad breath? Lots of small signs can show that you have bad breath. Have you noticed people stepping away from you when you [...]
Caring for my Teeth
Why are my teeth so important? Your teeth vary in shape and size depending on where they are in your mouth. These differences allow the teeth to do many different [...]
Children’s Teeth
When should I take my child to the dentist? It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take [...]
Mouth Ulcers
What are mouth ulcers? Ulcers are painful sores that appear inside the mouth. They are usually red or yellow. They are different from cold sores, which appear on the outer lips [...]
Root Canal Treatment
What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment (also called ‘endodontics') is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (called the ‘pulp') is infected through decay or injury. You [...]